Monday, October 10, 2011

Wait, wait, hold on! I'm not ready yet...

Time left at posting: 269 hours

Holy ding dongs, time is really starting to fly now!  The anticipation is starting to build to the point where my pulse is racing just a little while writing this post.  Anyhow, according to my little count down clock over on the right side of the page, I have only 11 days left before taking off.  Only 11 more nights in my comfortable bed, 11 more days of hanging out with my kids and just 1 more day of school.  Oh yeah, except for a couple units I plan to test out of, I am pretty much done with school.  It is hard to believe that this is my last day of classes at the University of Phoenix. Not sure I can put how happy (relieved) I am in to words, but lets just say it's a good thing. 

I finally starting laying out all of my gear.  This is so that I can verify that I have everything and to make sure it is still in good shape.  Thanks to the big sale this weekend at REI, I was finally able to cross the last few items off my gear list.  Feeling pretty good that the cold won't get to me when we get up to the higher altitudes, but I am really starting to look like I stepped right out of the outdoor store and on to the trail.  This is a hikers fashion faux pas of course, but sometimes you don't have much of a choice.  I usually like function over fashion, but perhaps it's time that I stopped looking like I just crawled out from under a rock.  I must admit I look pretty damn good in all my new stuff. 

As for the non-gear related stuff, I was able to locate my airline tickets and put them together with my passport.  Seems almost strange to have paper tickets issued to me anymore as I am so used to electronic tickets.  There was some concern that I would place them in some safe spot where I would completely forget about them.  I have had them for over nine months, so there was plenty of time to misplace them.  We have our Visa for Nepal and our guide will be getting our trekking permits, so the paperwork is mostly done.  I do have one more round of vaccinations this week just to top me off, but the only major concern at this point is getting out butts to the airport on time so we can make our flight.